A new era in pallet packaging C-ONE PLANA
C-One Plana – рекордсмен, який відкрив нову еру в упаковці палет. Висота його поворотного столу – всього 18 мм!
C-One Plana is the record holder, which opened a new era in pallet packaging. The height of its revolving platform is only 18 mm!
With a 20 cm long ramp, this wrapper saves up to 1,5 m² of space and allows the use of forklifts of any size – its thin table can not be damaged by forks. At the same time, the maximum load is very impressive – up to 1500 kg.
Each customer of “Skladpack” / C-One can be always assured in being secured and provided with a qualified assistance. It is guaranteed by the fact that design, manufacturing, commissioning and service is carried out by one team.
“Skladpack” is the official representative of C-One company and a reliable supplier with an extensive work experience, favourably stands out due to the local presence in the national market and high quality solutions.
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During more than 16 years of operation “Skladpack” company became a leader in the national market and made a great contribution to the automation of various industries.
using RoboPAL, Octopus 1825B
More detailsusing Elevator, Octopus 1845S
More detailsBuy high-quality, durable industrial equipment with a high life.
and high-quality timely maintenance of equipment
at the leading factories of European manufacturers
taking into account the needs of your production
with the chance of increasing the warranty for up to 5 years
selling to the final consumer at the manufacturer's recommended price
exclusive supplier in Ukraine
according to all the international directives
at the leading factories of European manufacturers
and high-quality timely maintenance of equipment
taking into account the needs of your production
according to all the international directives
with the chance of increasing the warranty for up to 5 years
exclusive supplier in Ukraine
selling to the final consumer at the manufacturer's recommended price